Geof Uyehara writes about his life and learnings in Afganistan.
My Experience With Kabultec, by Annette Scarpitta
Annette Scarpitta shares her experience with Kabultec over the years.
My History With Kabultec, by Mary Kelly
Mary Kelly, a member of Kabultec’s Board of Directors, shares her history with Kabultec.
Ramadan 2017 Appeal Letter
Kabultec wishes you peace and happiness, and asks that you think of the less fortunate during this year’s Ramadan.
Afghan Women: The New Constitution and the Road Ahead
Afghan Women: The New Constitution and the Road Ahead
Presented at French Senate Seminar: Afghanistan Reconstruction
Paris, France
Delivering The Signatures
A Declaration of the Essential Rights of Afghan Women To Professor Naimatullah Shahrani, President of the Revision Commission of the Constitution
Kabul, Afghanistan
Afghan Women Today
Afghan Women: From Sub-zero of Terrorism and Taliban to Today
By Nasrine Gross
Open Letter to the Christian Science Monitor
Open Letter to the Christian Science Monitor
By Nasrine Gross
First Anniversary of the Declaration
On the Occasion of the First Anniversary of The Declaration of the Essential Rights of Afghan Women
By Nasrine Gross
The Declaration of the Essential Rights of Afghan Women and the Legitimacy of Afghanistan
An overview of the Declaration of the Essential Rights of Afghan Women and the Legitimacy of Afghanistan.