The humanitarian aid that we do benefits the less fortunate sectors of Afghanistan, and is implemented via The Roqia Center. Here are some examples of the aid we provide.

  • Orphanage Distribution
    One thing people may not realize is that many of those that fight terrorism and extremism – be it Mujaheddin or government soldiers – – are married and have children. As a result Afghanistan suffers from a large collection of orphans, and the government has created public orphanages in each of the thirty-four provinces. Each orphanage has many needs.
    For many years now, Kabultec carries out collection drive in the United States for discarded school supplies, used clothing, and overstock hygiene supplies. We then ship these to Afghanistan via a US Department of Defense program, with coordination from the Afghan Ministry of Labor, Social Services, Handicaps and Children of the Martyrs to find orphanages that most need our help. We proceed to distribute as indicated by the Ministry. Thus far we have been able to help state run orphanages in over twelve provinces.
  • Sapling Distribution
    Afghans have always had a liking for fruit trees – – for their shade, for their beauty, and for their food! Unfortunately, length of war has caused many areas–especially gardens–to lose their trees. For several years The Roqia Center has provided fruit tree saplings to 200 families in several Afghan villages. We are happy that now many of those trees are grown to once again decorate the landscape with verdant vistas and give sustainable sustenance to so many people.
  • Vegetable and Flower Seed Distribution
    Afghanistan used to have a variety of vegetables which has dwindled as a result of war. For example, beets were available most of the year as a street food; now they are almost non-existent. The first time we planted some beets in the Roqia Center garden, people knocked on the door (or called by phone) and asked for just one beet, as they had missed it so much. Bell peppers are another vegetable that is far less available now, and quite expensive.Every year Kabultec collects donated vegetable and flower seed packets in the United States, and distributes them in Afghanistan to widows, provincial farmers, and other gardens in need. This has resulted in our understanding of what grows there and what Afghans like and dislike. For example, in the past, Afghans did not have too much experience with collard greens, kale, or swiss chard. But after our seeds, we have observed that they take to the last two and not so much to collard greens. In the Roqia Center garden we have experimented with over sixty different veggies in many delicious meals, and we have observed Afghans learning about new sustainable vegetables (such as kohlrabi).

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